Ready to shine the light on your fear story through a one on one coaching session?

I’m here for you!

Sometimes we are so heavily identifying with our emotions and stories that we need someone to lead us to the right path.

There is a lot of information out there on self-help, self-care, positive thinking, mindfulness, etc. This is INCREDIBLE but it can also be overwhelming. I will personally create a plan for you to follow that takes out all the guesswork.

We’ll create awareness around your fear stories. (We usually have a few!)

We’ll bring compassion to your inner critic and your life experiences.

And you’ll learn simple, oftentimes instantly effective strategies to disengage your fear voice and return back to love.

I assure you that when you leave your session you’ll feel completely in the driver’s seat, surrounded by the love of the Universe and your inner guidance.

Lindsay constantly amazes me. Her breadth of knowledge is impressive and she has no shortage of ideas and new perspectives to share. You know you’re in good hands when you go to one of her workshops. I highly recommend her one-on-one sessions and I am excited for more people to experience the positivity and perspective she instills. I am so thankful for the changes she has already made possible in my life!

Katie Scaap

Lindsay’s process for self-discovery was organized, compassionately expressed and best of all, effective. I experienced the letting go of an emotion through a guided process. Also, the workshop encouraged me to get into journaling again. Self-expression and release are so important for me in my self-care journey.

Alicia Jean

BONUS: Filling out the form is therapeutic in itself! It’s the first step to understanding what’s going on within and what’s holding you back.

If you’re local to Buffalo we can meet in person but if not no worries, technology is amazing so we can project ourselves and our energy anywhere in the world.

And if you’re wondering how much coaching with me is…I get it!
It’s about as much as a trip to Target when you go in for socks, but come out with all of the items you didn’t really know you needed.

I also have coaching packages available for you to get the most bang for your buck!

You’ll receive a message back from me within 24 hours after you fill out the form to make sure we schedule your session and get you all the deets.


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